Государственное автономное учреждение здравоохранения Свердловской области

Центр специализированных видов медицинской помощи


Главная / Медицинский туризм / English version

State-funded Healthcare Institution of Sverdlovsk region “Center for specialized types of medical care “Ural Institute of Traumatology and orthopedics named after V. D. Chaklin”

Director: Igor Leonidovich Shlykov, Dr. habil. in Medicine, chief external expert in traumatology of the Ministry of Public Health of Sverdlovsk region.

About institution:

The institution provides advisory and high-tech medical care of traumatology and orthopedic profile for children and adult population and is equipped with the latest diagnostics means and new-generation medical and rehabilitation equipment. From 3,600 to 5,000 operations are carried out annually at the Institute, half of which are high-tech types of assistance, and more than 20,000 consultations. In their work, traumatologists use unique surgical techniques developed by the specialists of the institution. Patents have been obtained for all inventions.

The Institute employs 8 holders of habilitation degree and 26 holders of research doctorate degree and 34 doctors with the highest qualification category.

GBUZ SR "TsSVMP" UITO named after V.D. Chaklin" provides medical care on a scheduled basis. The provision of medical assistance to foreign citizens is provided on a fee basis.

Paid services are provided either as part of a voluntary health insurance programme (VMI), or by direct agreement with an individual for cash.

Services available on a fee basis:

- All types of inpatient medical care by department profiles;

- Highly qualified outpatient consultative and diagnostic assistance;

- All types of diagnostic studies: laboratory tests, functional diagnostics, x-ray studies;

- Medical rehabilitation;

- Improved hospital accommodation options: Superior rooms.

Our advantages:

1. The scope of services provided is fully consistent with the standards and procedures for the provision of medical care approved by the Russian Ministry of Health.

2. Integrated approach to the provision of medical services: starting with outpatient care, diagnosis and laboratory tests, and ending with inpatient treatment and rehabilitation.

3. Highly qualified medical and nursing staff.

4. Modern medical technology and medical equipment.

5. The uniqueness of a number of medical services provided.

6. Convenient location of the institution.

Registration for appointment on a paid basis and working hours of the department for paid services:

Opening hours of the department: from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. daily, except Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.

Address: Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg city, Bankovski per., house No. 7, 1st floor, office 8.

Contact phone number: +7 (343) 286-59-78 

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